Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dinner Plate Size

One Day

This is something I've been working on.  It's so much easier going about eating healthy and exercising when I focus on the day I'm on, rather than thinking about where I want to go or how long it will take to get there.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Wrong Century

This is a beautiful, moving piece of art.  It shows how you can say so much through art.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Never call a girl "fat"

This is so true.  It's something that sticks with you your entire life.  And, not just being called fat, but also fat, lazy, stupid, ugly or any other derogatory remark.  Words like that as a girl (or boy) shape how you will feel about yourself in the future. 


I love bananas.  I'd been told for years, through various diet programs, that bananas are bad because they are so full of sugars.  I'm trying to re-introduce bananas into my diet, because I really do love them.

Cooking Steps

1. Mash banana and run through a food processor to puree
2. Mix the two eggs in with the banana
3. OPTIONAL- Add 1 tsp of vanilla extract and mix all together
4. Warm a skillet over medium or low heat with some oil of your choice
5. Spoon batter into skillet and flip when it starts to bubble
Only 250 calories for a whole stack of pancakes. Double it and make it for the family! They are surprisingly very yummy!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Funny but True

I have this problem.  I get so sucked into Facebook (games and talking to friends) that I lose hours at a time.  If I just prioritize exercise, I know I have time for it.

Skinny Shake

This sounds really good

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Always good information


I love this picture...not just for the sentiment, but also for the graphic.  When I was in the midst of my binge-eating, fast food was my go-to thing.  It's still hard for me sometimes, but I've mostly beaten that bad habit. 

Don't put off what you can start today.