Monday, August 27, 2012

An actual blog...go figure

An actual blog?  Real words and not just pictures?  What is the world coming to?

I have this online dieting group...just a handful of us women talking about dieting, fitness, struggles, etc.  Anyway, one member mentioned her new plan and I liked it so much that I had to blog about it to remember it.  It sounds a lot like what I'm doing but with a bit more structure.

She follows a very simple formula: 80/20, 5:30.

The 80/20 is her healthy foods in favor of unhealthy foods. She doesn't eat healthy all the time, but does try to eat *mostly* healthy. The 5 is how many times a day she eats: 3 meals of 500 calories or less (preferably between 300 and 450), 2 snacks of 200 calories or less. The 5 is also how many times a day she eats a fruit or vegetable. The 30 stands for physical activity.  She does a 30 minute *minimum* 5 days a week.

Another thing that has helped is putting all of her meals on a smaller plate. She uses a salad plate rather than a dinner plate; figuring if it can't fit on that plate, she's taking too much.
A bunch of small changes do add up!

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