Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Diet Mistakes

Avoid the MostCommon Diet Mistakes That Dieters Make
Hundreds of peoplestart and stop dietsevery year for many reasons. People choose to start diets because they want to lose weight.However, people don’t anticipate how hard it will be. Losing weight takesdedication and motivation.However if you aren’t prepared for the challenge then you may ultimately quitbefore you reach your goal. Before deciding if a diet is right for you its bestto learn about the diet and nutritional factors. By being knowledgeable you canavoid making common diet mistakes just like these. Here are your top 10 dietmistakes that you should avoid when starting a diet.

1. Unrealistic,impatience- Everyone wishes for that easy weight loss program that willmake you lose wall your weight without having to do much work or make anysacrifices. If it were possible we wouldn’t have a culture of obese Americans.Losing weight is hard and it takes time. If you expect to lose 20 pounds in thefirst week you are being unrealistic. Slow, steady weight loss is morerealistic and more likely that you’ll keep the weight off. Losing 1-2 pounds aweek for women and 305 pounds a week for men is normal weight loss. Don’tbecome impatient during your weight loss regime because this will lead you toquit before your get to your goals.

2. Dietingalone- Most diet programs recommend exercise incombination with nutrition. However, many people think that a diet is enough.Unfortunately this is not true. Although, you will lose weight, you won’t losefat, you lose muscle and water weight. Diets cause your body to go intostarvation mode, which cause the body’s metabolism to slow down to conserveenergy. This also slows down weight loss. To boost weight loss adds in anexercise plan to burn fat, boost energy and gain muscle.

3. Notsetting goals- If you start a diet plan without knowing your goals, then itslike going in blind. You have a starting point but no end in sight. Setting along-term goal with your total pounds that you want to lose and smaller short-termgoals help to keep you motivated and will encourage you to keep going.Additionally writing down your goals will solidify your determination to losethe weight. Also keep your goals in plain sight, like on your refrigerator orbathroom mirror so it will act as a daily reminder.

4. NotTracking Food- A diet log/diary is necessary to keep track of what you eat.Not only does this keep you on track for your daily calories it also lets youlearn how many calories are in each type of food. Most people have no idea theamount of calories in their food and most people eat a lot of calories aboveand beyond what they should. By knowing the number of calories in your foodthen you can maintain your daily caloric intake.

5. Skippingbreakfast- Breakfast in the most important meal of the day. By eatingbreakfast you boost your metabolism by breaking the fast your body goes throughwhile sleeping. If you don’t eat breakfast you stay hungry and you feel hungryway before lunch rolls around. This compromises your energy, focus,concentration, and will ultimately lead to choosing a high sugar, high fatconvenience snack.

6. Noteating enough or often enough- You may think that cutting out snacks is away to cut calories, but by not eating in between meals, you will feel hungryand your energy and metabolism will decline. Eating small snacks or meals every2-3 hours you will keep your metabolism up, which will allow you to burn morecalories. Plus if you are building muscle and working out your body will needmore calories to use for energy. The objective is to eat healthy snacks.Replace regular high fat and sugar snacks with preplanned health snacks thatyou can take with you. Fruits and vegetables are healthy, low caloriealternatives as snacks.

7. Notdrinking enough water- when you firststart losing weight the initial weigh t loss is from water weight. Thereforeyou need to replenish your body’s water to stay hydrated and healthy.Dehydration can impair your eight loss goals. Replace all your drinks withwater to reduce your calorie intake. Always carry a water bottle with youwherever you got that way you will never go thirsty.

8. Starvingyourself-Starving yourself actually dos the opposite of what you’re tryingto accomplish on a diet. When you deprive your body of calories your metabolismslows down. Your body tries to conserve energy by slowing down the burning ofcalories. It holds on to fat because it’s unsure when it will be fed again.Don’t get me wrong eventually you will lose weight but your body will start bybreaking down muscle tissue first because muscle requires the most calories tobe maintained. As you continue to go without good or calories your mentalcapacity will diminish while energy and ability to function rapidly decline.

9. Obsessiveabout the scale-When starting to lose weight people can become obsessedwith the number on the scale. They weight themselves in the morning, before andafter meals, in the evening and normally will be disgusted with the numbers.Throughout your day as you eat and burn calories your weight fluctuates.Therefore its best to only weigh yourself once a week. This way the number onthe scale won’t discourage you. It’s also best to weight yourself around thesame time and same day each week that way the number is more accurate.

10. Notrewarding yourself-When you reach one of your goals the best way to keepyourself motivated is to reward yourself for all your hard work. When on a dietrewards should not be food oriented such as shopping for clothes or shoes,going to a movie or getting a massage, manicure or pedicure. This will keep yousatisfied to continue on with your diet program.

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